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 Speaker: Mandy Len Catron


Title: To Fall in Love With Anyone

Summary: Mandy Len Catron wrote an article To Fall in Love With Anyone after participating in an experiment about falling in love with a stranger. The experiment was successful and she ended up falling in love with her partner. Her article talked about the methods used in this experiment and how to go about falling in love with anyone. 

 Speaker: Graham Hill


Title: Less Stuff, More Happiness

Summary: Graham Hill speak about how decreasing the amount of things we have can lead to more happiness in our everyday life. He explains how he changed his life by decreasing his living space and started a program to help others learn to do the same. The less things we have the more happy we are, the less energy we use, and the more space we have. We don't have to make drastic changes in our lives just small steps at a time.

 Speaker: Unknown

Title: How to Write a College Essay

Summary: In this video the speaker describes the most effective ways to go about writing your college acceptance essay. He talks about what, how, and when to write your college essay so you can start preparing to write it as soon as necessary. What you write about, your grammar, spelling, and writing skills are also very important to the writing process. With his help, you will be prepared to write a well written college essay that will help you get accepted into any school you wish to go to.

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